AMP enjoys a renowned international acknowledgment for the excellence of its work, integrity, and quality of service, creating added value to client within the dictates of sustainability and environmental preservation. Our goal is to serve the global community, including our customers, employees and partners through effective management.
Main Office
C/ Puerto de Navacerrada, 12,
Pol. Ind. Las Nieves
28935 Móstoles
Madrid (ESPAÑA)
Tfn: (+34) 914 677 685
Delegation of Sweden
AMP Nordik
Stortorget 9
SE-252 20 Helsingborg
The Stockholm water company improves the filtration of drinking water
The Stockholm water company improves the filtration of drinking waterñia-de-aguas-de-estocolmo-mejora-la-filtracion-de-agua-potable-1024x683.jpg 1024 683 AMPñia-de-aguas-de-estocolmo-mejora-la-filtracion-de-agua-potable-1024x683.jpgAMP enjoys a renowned international acknowledgment for the excellence of its work, integrity, and quality of service, creating added value to client within the dictates of sustainability and environmental preservation. Our goal is to serve the global community, including our customers, employees and partners through effective management.
Main Office
C/ Puerto de Navacerrada, 12,
Pol. Ind. Las Nieves
28935 Móstoles
Madrid (ESPAÑA)
Tfn: (+34) 914 677 685
Delegation of Sweden
AMP Nordik
Stortorget 9
SE-252 20 Helsingborg