Solutions by Industry
AMP is specialized in the design and supply of coals washing systems, fines treatment, removal of contaminating elements and waste treatment.
In our technical proposals based on the investigation of new process methods aimed at simplifying your operations and reducing your operating costs, you will always find benefits by improving your productivity.
Among the various projects participated in during its long history of attention to coal mining for various applications, the following should be highlighted:
• Washing plants for coal, black coal, etc.
• Fine and sterile treatment plants.
• Dense Media Systems.
• Gravimetric Concentration Plants for the removal of polluting elements (ash and sulfur).
AMP has the material means and the knowledge to carry out sample tests and research work in the laboratory or in the field, which allow simulating treatment processes for any type of coals facing the study for their industrial application
Elimination of coal contamination by sulfur and ash
For the elimination of harmful elements such as sulfur and ash contained in the coals, AMP specifies the use of concentrating spirals, with previous stages of washing by hydrocycloning, obtaining products free of these contaminants with the required qualities.
Coal-lignite concentration in 500 T-H plant
Coal treatment
50TH Coal-Lignite Coal Pilot Laundry
Flaking and coal concentration
Flaking and classification 30µm of coal-lignite in 500 T-H plant
by Industry
In AMP we have the objective of developing products for the industry that allow us to be increasingly efficient.
We have developed equipment, tools and solutions for various types of industry, always applying the same degree of quality and excellence.